React localization with i18next and react-i18next libraries

Joseph Mathew

By Joseph Mathew

on July 27, 2023

Localization is the process of designing and developing your products that can adapt to various languages and regions, without requiring a complete overhaul. This can involve tasks such as translating the text into different languages, adjusting the format of dates and times, changing the currencies and many more.

Why is localization important?

Localization is important for overcoming language barriers and making your products accessible to people from different cultures and regions.

For example, let's say you are developing a product for a company that has customers in multiple countries, and the product is currently only available in English. This means that potential customers who speak other languages may be less likely to use the product or may have difficulty in navigating it. By implementing localization in the product, you can easily add support for other languages without requiring extensive code changes. This will make the product more accessible to a wider range of audience, and increase the likelihood of the product being used by people in different regions.

Localization is more than just translating text. It also involves adapting various aspects of the products, including date and time formats, currencies, and other cultural conventions to create a more native experience for the target audience. Providing a localized experience can help the product better meet the needs and expectations of users in different regions, leading to better user engagement and satisfaction.

How to implement localization in React?

To implement localization effectively, it's important to choose a suitable localization package that works well with the chosen framework. In Neeto products, the i18next and react-i18next libraries are used for localization because they are well maintained, have good documentation and are easy to use. i18next provides a flexible and powerful translation engine, while react-i18next provides hooks and components for managing translations in React components. Before getting into the details of how to implement localization using these libraries, let's first understand some of the terms that would be used.

Translation file

A translation file is a file that contains a set of translated strings for a particular language. Each supported language will have its own dedicated translation file.

For example, a translation file for English would contain English translations for all the strings in the application.

2  "browseProducts": "Browse Products",
3  "addToCart": "Add to Cart"

A translation file for Spanish would contain Spanish translations for all the strings in the application.

2  "browseProducts": "Explorar productos",
3  "addToCart": "Agregar al carrito"

Translation key

A translation key is a unique identifier used to look up a translated string in a translation file. A translation key can be any string that you want and it is typically a short, descriptive string that represents the text to be translated. In the above example, browseProducts and addToCart are the translation keys.

In some cases, translation keys are grouped together based on the context in which they are used or the component that they are used in. For instance, translation keys for buttons may be grouped together. In this case, a prefix is employed to group the translation keys together. To access a specific translation string within a group, you can use the prefix followed by a dot and then the translation key. Let's see an example of this.

2  "button": {
3    "submit": "Submit",
4    "cancel": "Cancel"
5  }

In this example, all the translation keys for buttons are grouped together under the prefix button. To access the translation string for the button Submit, the translation key button.submit is used. Similarly, for the button Cancel, the translation key button.cancel is used. The nesting of translation keys is not restricted to a single level, it can be extended to multiple levels as necessary. However, it's best to keep the nesting to a minimum to avoid making the keys overly complex and difficult to manage.

Now let's see how to use translation files and translation keys to implement localization in React.

As mentioned earlier, in neeto, the i18next and react-i18next libraries are used for localization. Both these libraries provide a translation function named t that takes a translation key as an argument and returns the corresponding translated string from the translation file.

The t function provided by i18next is a generic translation function that can be used in any part of your JavaScript application. On the other hand, the t function offered by react-i18next is intended exclusively for usage within the React components and hooks. It can be accessed via the useTranslation hook.

react-i18next is essentially a wrapper over the i18next engine. It offers these additional facilities:

  • Language switching: The useTranslation hook provided by react-i18next simplifies the process of language switching by providing access to the i18n instance. This powerful hook not only streamlines the switch but also ensures that translations are promptly updated by triggering an automatic re-render of the component whenever the language is changed.

    1const { i18n } = useTranslation();
  • Namespace for loading translations on demand: As your project expands, it becomes essential to implement both code splitting and on-demand translation loading. Loading all translations upfront can result in suboptimal load times for your website. By using the namespaces feature provided by the useTranslation hook, you can efficiently organize your translations into separate files based on logical divisions or components. This enables you to dynamically load translations when they are required, instead of loading all translations simultaneously. This approach significantly improves load times, ensuring a smoother user experience.

    1// the t function will be set to that namespace as default
    2const { t } = useTranslation("ns1");
    3t("key"); // will be looked up from namespace ns1
  • Trans component for complex React elements: Apart from the useTranslation hook, react-i18next offers a powerful component called Trans. This component can be used for translating strings that contain HTML or React nodes. We will see more about this component later in this blog.

Now let's take an example to see how these libraries can be used to implement localization in React. Consider a simple online store application that displays a welcome message to the customer and our goal is to show this message in both English and Spanish based on the customer's language preference.

For this, first you need to create a translation file for each language that you want to support. In this case, you need to create two translation files: one for English and one for Spanish.

1// en.json
3  "welcomeToOnlineStore": "Welcome to our online store!"
1// es.json
3  "welcomeToOnlineStore": "¡Bienvenidos a nuestra tienda en línea!"

Next, you need to initialize i18next and react-i18next in your application.

1import i18n from "i18next";
2import { initReactI18next } from "react-i18next";
4import en from "../translations/en.json";
5import es from "../translations/es.json";
8  resources: { en: { translation: en }, es: { translation: es } },
9  fallbackLng: "en",
12export default i18n;

In this step, the i18next and react-i18next libraries are imported and initialized with the translation files created in the first step. Additionally, the fallback language is set to English. This means that if a translation is not available for the current language, the translation for English will be used instead.

Now you can use the t function to translate strings as shown below.

1import { useTranslation } from "react-i18next";
3const WelcomeMessage = () => {
4  const { t } = useTranslation();
6  return <div>{t("welcomeToOnlineStore")}</div>;
9export default WelcomeMessage;

Here, if the current language is English, the translated string for the welcomeToOnlineStore key will be Welcome to our online store!. If the current language is Spanish, the translated string will be ¡Bienvenidos a nuestra tienda en línea!. If the current language is any other language, the translated string will be Welcome to our online store! since translation resources have not been provided for other languages and the fallback language is set to English.

At this point, you might be wondering how to set the current language in your application. This is accomplished by using the i18next language detector. The i18next language detector is a library that detects the current language of the user's browser and sets it as the current language in your application. To use the i18next language detector, you need to install the i18next-browser-languagedetector package and initialize it in your application. To initialize it you can modify the code snippet that you saw earlier for initializing i18next and react-i18next as shown below.

1import i18n from "i18next";
2import LanguageDetector from "i18next-browser-languagedetector";
3import { initReactI18next } from "react-i18next";
5import en from "../translations/en.json";
6import es from "../translations/es.json";
9  .use(LanguageDetector)
10  .use(initReactI18next)
11  .init({
12    resources: { en: { translation: en }, es: { translation: es } },
13    fallbackLng: "en",
14  });
16export default i18n;

Now that you have gained a fundamental understanding of how to use i18next and react-i18next to implement localization in your React applications. Let's now explore the best practices followed at neeto for localization.

Best Practices followed at Neeto for localization

At neeto, a set of best practices has been developed for localization, which has proven effective in improving code quality and maintainability. To ensure that these best practices are consistently followed, a corresponding set of ESLint rules has been created. These ESLint rules are available in the eslint-plugin-neeto package. eslint-plugin-neeto is an ESLint plugin that contains a set of ESLint rules that enforce the best practices followed at neeto. Let us now see the rules that are available in eslint-plugin-neeto for localization, along with the motivations behind their creation.


If a developer misses hard-coded strings that should be localized, it can result in a mix of localized and non-localized strings within the application. This can create inconsistent user experience, where some strings are correctly translated and others are not. To avoid this scenario, we have created the hard-coded-strings-should-be-localized eslint rule. This rule helps to ensure that all hard-coded strings that should be localized are indeed localized.

hard-coded-strings-should-be-localized rule


This rule detects localization keys that do not have an associated value in the translation file. In other words, if a translation key passed to the t function is not present in any of the translation files, this rule will flag it as an error. This ensures that all localized strings are properly translated, thereby avoiding any inconsistencies that can negatively impact the user experience. Moreover, it reduces the risk of errors and bugs caused by missing translations.

no-missing-localization rule


This rule prevents the usage of multiple translation functions under the same JSX parent. The goal is to prevent breaking up sentences into multiple parts using multiple translation keys, which can be problematic when translating from one language to another because the order of words may change. For instance, adjectives in English typically come before the noun they modify, whereas in Spanish, they usually come after the noun.

Let's consider an example to understand this better. Suppose the sentence I have a {color} car need to be translated in the below example, where color is a variable that can have different values.

1const CarInfo = ({ color }) => <div>I have a {color} car</div>;

The first thought that comes to mind is to use three translation keys, one for I have a, one for car, and one for the value of the color variable. This would result in the following code:

1import { useTranslation } from "react-i18next";
3const CarInfo = ({ color }) => {
4  const { t } = useTranslation();
6  return (
7    <div>
8      {t("iHaveA")} {t(color)} {t("car")}
9    </div>
10  );

Here, the translation file for English will be:

2  "iHaveA": "I have a",
3  "car": "car",
4  "red": "red"

And the translation file for Spanish will be:

2  "iHaveA": "Tengo un",
3  "car": "coche",
4  "red": "rojo"

If the variable color has the value red, the translated sentence in Spanish will be Tengo un rojo coche. However, this translation is incorrect since the adjective rojo (red) precedes the noun coche (car), which goes against the usual word order in Spanish. As previously mentioned, adjectives in Spanish typically come after the noun they modify. Hence, the correct translation of the sentence in Spanish would be Tengo un coche rojo. Now let's see how to solve this issue.

To address this problem, you can use the interpolation feature in i18next.

The interpolation is a feature that allows us to insert dynamic values into the translated string. In this case, the interpolation feature can be used to insert the value of the color variable into the translated string. The interpolation feature is implemented using the {{}} syntax. The variable name is placed inside the {{}} syntax, and the value of the variable is passed as an object to the t function. Let's modify the above example to use the interpolation feature.

1import { useTranslation } from "react-i18next";
3const CarInfo = ({ color }) => {
4  const { t } = useTranslation();
6  return <div>{t("iHaveACar", { color: t(color) })}</div>;

Here, the translation file for English will be:

2  "iHaveACar": "I have a {{color}} car",
3  "red": "red"

And the translation file for Spanish will be:

2  "iHaveACar": "Tengo un coche {{color}}",
3  "red": "rojo"

In this case, the Spanish translation would be Tengo un coche rojo, which is correct. As you can see here, with the interpolation feature, you have the flexibility to adjust the word order in the translated sentence by modifying the placement of the variable based on the language. This is not possible when breaking up the sentence into multiple parts.

In short, you should avoid breaking up sentences into multiple parts using multiple translation keys. i18next offers various methods to accomplish this, and interpolation is one of them. Another scenario where you should avoid breaking up sentences into multiple parts is when the sentence contains HTML or React elements. In such cases, you can use the Trans component, which will be explained in detail later in this blog post.

no-multiple-translation-functions-under-same-parent rule


This rule ensures that translation functions are not used inside the string interpolation. The goal of this rule is also same as the previous rule, which is to prevent breaking up sentences into multiple parts. However, this rule applies to string interpolation instead of JSX.

no-translation-functions-in-string-interpolation rule


Before delving into the details of this rule, let's familiarize ourselves with the Trans component offered by react-i18next. The Trans component is helpful when translating text containing React or HTML nodes. However, it's important to note that it may not be necessary in many cases. If your translation doesn't involve React or HTML nodes, you can simply use the standard t function. The t function is sufficient for most cases and is easier to use than the Trans component.

Now let's see an example where you need to use Trans component. Suppose you want to translate the following sentence:

1const ClickHereForMore = () => (
2  <div>
3    Click <a href="">here</a> for more information.
4  </div>

If you use the standard t function, you would need to use three translation keys as shown below:

1import { useTranslation } from "react-i18next";
3const ClickHereForMore = () => {
4  const { t } = useTranslation();
6  return (
7    <div>
8      {t("click")} <a href="">{t("here")}</a>{" "}
9      {t("forMoreInfomation")}
10    </div>
11  );

But you know that splitting sentences into multiple parts using multiple translation keys can be problematic when translating from one language to another. So, how can the above sentence be translated without splitting it into multiple parts? This is where the Trans component comes in handy.

Here's how to use Trans component to translate the same sentence:

1import { Trans } from "react-i18next";
3const ClickHereForMore = () => (
4  <Trans
5    components={{ a: <a href="" /> }}
6    i18nKey="clickHereMessage"
7  />

The translation file for English would look like this:

2  "clickHereMessage": "Click <a>here</a> for more information."

As shown in the example above, the Trans component enables us to translate entire sentences that include HTML or React nodes without breaking them into multiple parts.

There are two ways to use Trans component.

Approach 1

1import { Trans } from "react-i18next";
3const ClickHereForMore = ({ productName }) => (
4  <div>
5    <Trans i18nKey="clickHereMessage">
6      Click <a href="">here</a> to know more about the{" "}
7      {productName}
8    </Trans>
9  </div>

The translation file for English would look like this:

2  "clickHereMessage": "Click <1>here</1> to know more about the <3>"

This approach, known as the indexed nodes approach, uses indexes to map the nodes and variables. Here you need to pass the string to be translated as a child of the Trans component. The Trans component will then map the nodes and variables to indexes. In the above code, Click is mapped to index 0, the anchor tag is mapped to index 1, the string to know more about the is mapped to index 2, and the productName variable is mapped to index 3. So if you want to wrap the here text with anchor tag in the translation file, you would need to use <1> and </1> tags. Similarly for the productName variable, you would need to use <3> tag. However, this approach is not recommended because it requires looking at both the code and the translation file to understand the mapping, making it difficult to read and maintain.

Approach 2

1import { Trans } from "react-i18next";
3const ClickHereForMore = ({ productName }) => (
4  <div>
5    <Trans
6      components={{ a: <a href="" /> }}
7      i18nKey="clickHereMessage"
8      values={{ productName }}
9    />
10  </div>

The translation file for English would look like this:

2  "clickHereMessage": "Click <a>here</a> to know more about the {{productName}}"

This approach, known as the named nodes approach, uses the components prop and values prop to map the nodes and variables. In the above code, the anchor tag is mapped using the components prop, and the productName variable is mapped using the values prop. As you can see here, the named nodes approach is more readable and less prone to errors than the indexed nodes approach because it eliminates the need for guessing indexes.

So the purpose of the use-trans-components-and-values-prop rule is to enforce the usage of the named nodes instead of the indexed nodes in the Trans component.

use-trans-components-and-values-prop rule


Now that the rationale behind using the Trans component and its usage has been explained, let's delve into another challenge encountered when using Trans with neetoUI components. neetoUI is an npm package that drives the user experience across all the Neeto products. To illustrate the problem, let's consider the following example:

1import { Button } from "@bigbinary/neetoui";
3const ClickHereForMore = () => (
4  <div>
5    Click <Button href="" label="here" /> for more information.
6  </div>

Here, the Button component accepts the content string via label prop. But, Trans component doesn't support injecting translation keys via some custom prop like this. To localize this, you would have no other way but to break the sentence like this:

1import { Button } from "@bigbinary/neetoui";
2import { Trans } from "react-i18next";
4const ClickHereForMore = () => (
5  <Trans
6    i18nKey="clickHereMessage"
7    components={{
8      Button: <Button href="" label={t("here")} />,
9    }}
10  />

The translation file for English would look like this:

2  "here": "here",
3  "clickHereMessage": "Click <Button /> for more information."

As you can see here, you are forced to use one key for the whole message and another one for the Button label. This is not a good practice, as it involves using multiple translation keys for a single sentence.

To tackle this problem, support for the children prop has been incorporated into neetoUI components in order to render the label. With this enhancement, the code can be rewritten as follows:

1import { Button } from "@bigbinary/neetoui";
2import { Trans } from "react-i18next";
4const ClickHereForMore = () => (
5  <Trans
6    components={{ Button: <Button href="" /> }}
7    i18nKey="clickHereMessage"
8  />

The translation file for English would look like this:

2  "clickHereMessage": "Click <Button>here</Button> for more information."

Now, as you can see, here only one key is used for the entire message which makes it easier to manage. Therefore, this rule ensures that the children prop of neetoUI components is used instead of the label prop when used with the Trans component

use-components-children-prop-in-trans rule


There are two options for translating content in React components: using the translation function from i18next and using the translation function from the useTranslation hook provided by the react-i18next package. While both options work, it is recommend using the translation function from the useTranslation hook due to the advantages it offers, which were discussed earlier.

So this rule is to enforces the use of the translation function from the useTranslation hook in React components.

use-translation-hook-in-components rule


This rule enforces the use of i18next's built-in plurals for pluralization. Before delving into i18next's built-in plurals, let's take a look at other commonly used approaches for pluralization.

Approach 1

In this approach, a single key is utilized for both the singular and plural forms.

1import { useTranslation } from "react-i18next";
3const MembersInfo = ({ count }) => {
4  const { t } = useTranslation();
6  return <div>{t("membersWithCount", { count })}</div>;

The translation file for English would look like this:

2  "membersWithCount": "{{count}} member(s)"

Approach 2

This approach uses two separate keys, one for the singular form and one for the plural form, and conditionally renders the appropriate key based on the count variable.

1import { useTranslation } from "react-i18next";
3const MembersCount = ({ count }) => {
4  const { t } = useTranslation();
6  return (
7    <div>
8      {count === 1
9        ? t("memberWithCount", { count })
10        : t("membersWithCount", { count })}
11    </div>
12  );

The translation file for English would look like this:

2  "memberWithCount": "{{count}} member",
3  "membersWithCount": "{{count}} members"

However, these approaches are not recommended because they are lazy or hacky way of approaching the problem. The recommended approach is to use i18next's built-in pluralization features, which allow for greater flexibility and consistency in translation.

Let's see how to use i18next's built-in pluralization feature. In this approach, two keys are used: one for the singular form and one for the plural form. The key for the singular form is suffixed with _one, and the key for the plural form is suffixed with _other. This is how i18next's built-in pluralization works. But in this case you don't need to worry about selecting the appropriate key based on the count variable. i18next will automatically select the appropriate key based on the count variable.

1import { useTranslation } from "react-i18next";
3const MembersInfo = ({ count }) => {
4  const { t } = useTranslation();
6  return <div>{t("memberWithCount", { count })}</div>;

The translation file for English would look like this:

2  "memberWithCount_one": "{{count}} member",
3  "memberWithCount_other": "{{count}} members"

In this example, if the count is 1, then the key memberWithCount_one will be used, and if the count is greater than 1, then the key memberWithCount_other will be used.

_one and _other are not the only available keys, there are also other keys available. Please refer to Plurals documentation on how to use them.

As per the Neeto standards, we add the WithCount prefix only if we want to display the count in the string. If all we want is to get the plural or singular words conditionally, the keys will be:

1"member_one": "member",
2"member_other": "members"

use-i18next-plurals rule


At neeto, it is highly recommended to use i18next's built-in plurals feature for pluralizing words. However, in certain situations, the use of external packages like pluralize may be necessary. One such example is when dealing with user inputs, which can't be anticipated beforehand and hence won't have a corresponding translation key in our translation files. In such cases, the pluralize package can be used for pluralization.

However, we observed that different projects were using different pluralization packages, and some projects even developed their own custom pluralization functions. This resulted in a lack of consistency within the codebase. To address this issue, a unified approach was implemented, mandating the use of a single pluralization package across all projects. After careful consideration, the pluralize package was selected as it is the most popular pluralization package in the JavaScript ecosystem.

So this rule is to enforces the use of the pluralize package.

use-pluralize-package rule

Script prepared to remove unused translations keys

Another problem faced was the accumulation of unused keys in the translation files. This situation often occurred when removing unused code without deleting the corresponding translation keys associated with the removed code. As a result, the translation files became bloated with a significant number of unused keys, making it challenging to maintain them effectively.

To solve this problem, a script was developed to remove unused translation keys from the translation files. This script is added in neeto-commons-frontend package. neeto-commons-frontend is a package encapsulating common code across Neeto projects.

How does this script work? Let us see it with the help of an example. Consider the following translation file:

2  "hello": "Hello",
3  "button": {
4    "save": "Save"
5  }

This script will check if the translation key hello is used in the codebase or not and if not, it will remove the translation key hello from the translation file. Similarly, it will check if the translation key is used in the codebase or not and if not, it will remove the translation key from the translation file.

However, an additional challenge surfaced due to the usage of interpolated strings as translation keys in specific scenarios. For instance consider the following code snippet:

1import { useTranslation } from "react-i18next";
3const Button = ({ buttonType }) => {
4  const { t } = useTranslation();
5  const buttonType = "save";
7  return <div>{t(`button.${buttonType}`)}</div>;

Here since the translation key is not a simple string, checking if it's used in the codebase became complicated because searching for the translation key in the codebase won't return any results and hence the script will remove the translation key from the translation file. But in this case, the translation key is used in the codebase.

To address this issue, we've made an improvement to the script. It now has a built-in capability to detect translation functions that use interpolated translation keys. These identified translation functions are then included in a section for manual verification at the end of the script. So, once the script has finished running, you should manually analyze the identified translation functions to ensure that the translation keys used in them are present in the translation file. If any of these translation keys have been removed during the initial step, they should be added back to the translation file.

Below is the demo of the script in action:

remove-unused-translation-keys script

That's all for now. We hope you found this blog useful. Our goal was to provide valuable insights that can help you with your localization journey. By learning from our experiences and applying these strategies, we believe you will be better equipped to handle the challenges of localization.

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