BigBinary is a Ruby on Rails Development firm

For over 12 years, we have been working with Ruby on Rails, and we love it. We have a track record of building high-quality software with proven results.

  • Gumroad
  • AngelList
  • Healthicity
  • Vineti
  • AtoB
  • MLB

12+ years of web development using Ruby on Rails

BigBinary has 12+ years of experience working with Ruby on Rails. We were early adopters of Ruby on Rails after realising its exceptional productivity compared to other technologies. As we worked with Ruby on Rails, our enthusiasm for the framework grew. Slowly, we started contributing to Ruby on Rails, leading to our in-depth understanding of the framework's intricacies. Through these contributions, we not only enhanced our skills but also shared our knowledge by writing blogs.


Year of Foundation


Client Projects


Team members

Rails Foundation helps the Ruby on Rails ecosystem grow, and at BigBinary, we are genuinely enthusiastic about the future of Ruby on Rails. We are thrilled to contribute to Rails Foundation by becoming their contributing member and supporting its initiatives.

The Rails Foundation Contributing Member
Sahil Lavingia

Sahil Lavingia CEO

"BigBinary has been a huge asset for Gumroad. They've helped us ship features we wouldn't have been able to otherwise. If you’re looking for a ruby/rails-focused dev shop, they have my full endorsement!"

BigBinary Academy

As a technology development firm, we must constantly learn new things. We do it in a very systematic manner. Whatever we learn, we write in BigBinary Academy. We believe that you have genuinely learned something when you can write about it.

Learn more >
BigBinary Academy