Upgrading Ruby on Rails Application

Ruby on Rails moves fast. We understand that some projects are not able to upgrade to the latest Ruby on Rails version immediately. And as time passes, these projects fall further and further behind in the Rails version, and catching up with the latest Ruby on Rails version becomes very daunting.

This is where BigBinary’s expertise can help. Over the last 12 years, we have upgraded many Rails applications and have made those projects up to date with the latest version of Ruby on Rails. The cost of not having the latest Ruby on Rails version is hidden. You pay this cost very slowly in terms of lost productivity.

Every new version of Ruby on Rails brings more good stuff. The new gems make themselves compatible with the latest version of Ruby on Rails. If you are using an older version of Ruby on Rails, you will spend more time finding the gem that works with the older version of Rails.

You will constantly look at the API of an older version of Rails. If a new team member joins the project, it will take much longer to get up-to-date because that person might want to use a method introduced in the latest version of Ruby on Rails. Since the project is not using the latest version of Ruby on Rails, the newcomer would have to find an alternative way.

Finally, there is the issue of security. The Ruby on Rails core team maintains security of only certain versions of Ruby on Rails as per their Official Security Policy. We all should take security seriously, and we should try to have our projects in the latest version of Ruby on Rails.

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