

As a tech company, you depend on solid engineering expertise with trust and confidence. The BigBinary team are not only very knowledgeable and come up with innovative solutions, but more importantly, are responsible and reliable.

Dadi Akhavan

Tweli & Numberf

BigBinary team did a splendid job in understanding the business value of the old application and translated that into a better workflow with modern technology stack with richer UI. It overall resulted in better user experience all around.

Jeff Young

Vice President, Product Development AAPC

We have worked with BigBinary for over six years. BigBinary team is a pleasure to work with. Besides strategic advice, they bring insights and ideas about product strategy and direction that we highly value.

Dirk Peters

Founder, CareGeneral

We love working with Big Binary engineers - they've allowed us to ship faster. We will be working with BB for years to come!

Harshita Arora

Co-founder, AtoB

Vineti has been working with BigBinary for over three years now. The BigBinary team has been a tremendous help in delivery software and the team has the technical expertise to get the work done.

Amy DuRoss

Co-founder & CEO, Vineti Inc.

We engaged with BigBinary with a fairly urgent need for a complex Rails/React service. Their developers quickly gathered context and began work. They operated as a seamless extension of our team and produced very high quality code. Our own developers got a lot of value from working with them. Ultimately, the project was completed on time with high test coverage and stability. We are consistently building on the foundation they laid, and are very pleased with the results. I am looking forward to future opportunities to work with BigBinary in the future.

Jack Collins

Co-founder & CTO, Demoflow

Ruby on Rails

BigBinary has been a huge asset for Gumroad. They've helped us ship features we wouldn't have been able to otherwise. If you’re looking for a ruby/rails-focused dev shop, they have my full endorsement!

Sahil Lavingia

CEO, Gumroad

When looking for Rails and React developers, we discovered BigBinary from their open source contributions to Rails. They have delivered consistently strong work for the past 2 years, and we consider them part of our team.

Brian Ghidinelli



BigBinary has talented ReactJS developers and working with them has been a great experience for me. They hit the ground running quickly and have been a great addition to our team.

Michael Huneke

President and founder, Pattern Consulting

BigBinary has been pivotal in the early success of Gemini. We have been working with them for over a year, and not only is their development talent including React top-notch, but they also allow us to easily staff up and scale down as needed for surges around specific product features, which is extremely beneficial to us as a startup. I cannot recommend BigBinary highly enough!

Josh Ettwein

Head of Engineering and Product Development Blue Rocket/Gemini

React Native

The partnership with BigBinary has been invaluable for Lovewick. We went from an idea and some mock-ups to a beautiful, App Store ready React Native app in the span of months. I feel really fortunate to have the support, talent, and experience of BigBinary behind Lovewick as we continue evolving the product based on user needs and expanding to other platforms and countries.

Ali Maggioncalda
